Change project and/or activity

The mobile app is focussed on one project and activity at a time, but you can easily switch between projects and/or activities at any time.

NOTE: You can only work within one project and activity at a time while in offline mode or without an internet connection.

To change projects and/or activities:

  1. Check that you have an internet connection.
  2. From the drill holes screen, tap the menu icon in the upper left corner of your screen.
  3. Tap “Settings.”
  4. Ensure you’re on the “Switch activity” tab.
  5. Select the project and/or activity you want to switch to from the drop down menus.
  6. Tap the left pointing arrow in the upper left of the screen to return to the drill hole screen.
  7. The drill holes screen will now contain the data from the selected project and activity.


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