Add GPS coordinates

To add coordinates using your device GPS:

  1. From the drill holes screen, select the drill hole you want to add GPS coordinates to.
  2. Tap the “Header” tab.
  3. If there are no coordinates entered for the drill hole, tap “Add coordinates” in the upper right of the screen.
  4. If there are already coordinates entered for the drill hole, tap the existing coordinates in the upper right of the screen.
  5. Tap the leftmost cell of the next available row.
  6. Tap “Add GPS coordinates” from the menu.
  7. Select the appropriate grid type from the drop down menu in the dialogue.
  8. Tap “Add coordinates.”
  9. Tap outside the coordinates panel to dismiss it.



NOTE: If you are using an external bluetooth GPS device, it must first be configured as a "Mock GPS Provider" for MX Deposit to correctly interface with it. To configure this, follow the steps in the Connect an external Bluetooth GPS Receiver article.

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