To create a project:
- Open the configuration menu.
- Under “Your site” click on “Projects.”
- Click “New project.”
- Give your project a unique name.
- Add a description (optional).
- If this project will have a similar configuration to an existing one, you can choose a project from the “Create project from…” dropdown. This will copy the project boundaries, assigned activities, and assigned users from the chosen project to the Logging section of the activity you’re creating.
- Click “Next.”
- You can add project boundaries by either adding a KML file or drawing your boundaries manually.
- To add a KML file you can either drag it on the screen or click “Upload your files.”
- Click “Next.”
- Drag the activities you want to assign to the project from the right to the empty area on the left. Activity categories can be switched using the “Available activities” drop down.
- Click “Next.”
- To add a user to all activities and activity groups within a project, drag the user to the project.
- To add a user to an activity and all activity groups within that activity, drag the user to the activity.
- To add a user only to an activity group, drag the user to the activity group.
- Click “Publish.”