Create Sample Decompositions

Sample Decomposition can be created manually or can be imported from a CSV file.  

To Create an Analyte

  1. Open the configuration menu Landing_Arrow.jpeg
  2. Under Sampling, click Sample lists Admin_Panel_Arrow.jpeg
  3. Click Sample Decomposition Sample_Lists_Arrow_SampleDecomposition.jpeg
  4. Navigate to the bottom of the table and click on the empty row.  The following fields are available to describe the Certified Result.  Fields denoted with * are mandatory
    1. Value *
    2. Description EditSampleList_SampleDecomposition_Arrow.jpeg

To Import Analytical Methods: 

  1. Open the configuration menu
  2. Under Sampling, click Sample lists
  3. Click Analytical Methods
  4. Click the Import button on the top right-hand corner of the window List_ImportExportClose_Arrow.jpeg
  5. Click the Browse link and select your CSV file List_ImportBrowse.PNG
  6. Click the Import button

TIP: to quickly produce the file format needed by the Import, first Export the Analytical Methods data using the Export button, and then work within that file.  Note that entries that already exist cannot be re-imported or updated and should be removed from the file before importing any new Analytical Methods.

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