To upgrade from a previous non-Google Play Store version of MX Deposit to the new MX Deposit Android version that is available on either Google Play or the Amazon App Store:
IMPORTANT: If MX Deposit is already installed on your tablet, then you must follow steps 1 and 2. If MX Deposit is not installed on your tablet then start at step 3. If you need help with this then please contact us.
1. You must first unassign ALL drill hole and point objects that are currently out on the Android device for ALL users that use that device. Failing to do so can result in data loss for any data that has yet to be synchronized with the MX Deposit web application. This step requires a stable internet connection and due diligence is required in order to ensure that all data has successfully synchronized and been moved from this device for all users prior to moving to the next step.
2. Remove the existing Android application from the device following the normal steps to remove an App from an Android device.
MX Deposit is not installed on the tablet
3. Open the Google Play or Amazon App store, search for MX Deposit and then click Install.
4. Open the App and sign in with your Seequent ID.